Showing posts with label Belgium. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belgium. Show all posts

King Leopold II (Belgium) stamp, 10 c orange-red, Louis-Eugène Mouchon, 01/06/1893

country: Belgium (België / Belgique)
topic: King Leopold II in profile
theme: kings
sort stamp: postal stamp
color: orange-red
year: 1893
publication date: 01/01/1900
stamp value: 10 c
code: 57
perforation: 14
number of issues: 567.000.000
designer: Louis-Eugène Mouchon
engraving: Albert Doms
book printing: Stamp Printing Mechelen

mint (unused): € 14,00 (2008)
mint (with hinge): € 3,25 (2008)
stamped: € 0,20 (2008)
on letter or document: € 5,00 (2008)

More in this series:
King Leopold II in profile, 10 c, red (pink)
King Leopold II in profile, 10 c, orange-red

This stamp usually contains a Sunday strip. Stamps without a the Sunday strip has only value on a letter or document. Documents with seals which lacks the Sunday strip lose 50% of their value.

King Leopold II of Belgium. Leopold Louis Philippe Marie Victor (Brussels, April 9, 1835 - Laken, 17 December 1909) was Prince of Belgium, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Brabant from 1865-1909 and was King of the Belgians and it's colony Congo. (Source: Wikipedia, Read more about King Leopold II of Belgium on Wikipedia (Dutch))

Louis-Eugène Mouchon (Paris, August 30, 1843-March 3, 1914) was a French engraver, especially noted for its stamp designs. His most famous pieces are the famous French type MOUCHON designs from 1900 and its contribution to the subsequent La Semeuse (from 1902), but he was also asked in many European countries for his designs. He made portraits of the Belgian King Leopold II, the Portuguese kings Louis I, Carlos I and Queen Wilhelmina. (Source: Wikipedia, Read more about Louis-Eugène Mouchon on Wikipedia (Dutch))

King Leopold II (Belgium) stamp, 10 c red (pink), carmine, Louis-Eugène Mouchon, 01/01/1900

country: Belgium (België / Belgique)
topic: King Leopold II in profile
theme: kings
sort stamp: postal stamp
color: red (pink), carmine
year: 1900
publication date: 01/01/1900
stamp value: 10 c
code: 58 (58a carmine)
perforationg: 14
number of issues: 486.000.000
designer: Louis-Eugène Mouchon
engraving: Albert Doms
book printing: Stamp Printing Mechelen

red (pink)
mint (unused): € 14,00 (2008)
mint (with hinge): € 2,75 (2008)
stamped: € 0,50 (2008)
on letter or document: € 7,50 (2008)

mint (unused): € 9,92 (2001)
mint (with hinge): € 3,97 (2001)
stamped: € 0,99 (2001)
on letter or document: € 6,82 (2001)

More in this series:
King Leopold II in profile, 10 c, red (pink)
King Leopold II in profile, 10 c, orange-red

This stamp usually contains a Sunday strip. Stamps without a the Sunday strip has only value on a letter or document. Documents with seals which lacks the Sunday strip lose 50% of their value.

King Leopold II of Belgium. Leopold Louis Philippe Marie Victor (Brussels, April 9, 1835 - Laken, 17 December 1909) was Prince of Belgium, Duke of Saxony, Prince of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Brabant from 1865-1909 and was King of the Belgians and it's colony Congo. (Source: Wikipedia, Read more about King Leopold II of Belgium on Wikipedia (Dutch))

Louis-Eugène Mouchon (Paris, August 30, 1843-March 3, 1914) was a French engraver, especially noted for its stamp designs. His most famous pieces are the famous French type MOUCHON designs from 1900 and its contribution to the subsequent La Semeuse (from 1902), but he was also asked in many European countries for his designs. He made portraits of the Belgian King Leopold II, the Portuguese kings Louis I, Carlos I and Queen Wilhelmina. (Source: Wikipedia, Read more about Louis-Eugène Mouchon on Wikipedia (Dutch))

King Leopold I (Epauletten), old stamp, first King of Belgium, 10 cent, Dix Cents, brown

country: Belgium (België / Belgique)
code: 1
topic: King Leopold I (first King of Belgium)
theme: King
type of stamp: postal stamp
number of stamps per sheet: 200
circulation: 5250000
kind of serration: not perforated
color: brown
paper type: handmade paper, sort of perkament
engraving (engraving): Robinson H.
engraving type: intaglio
design: Baugniet Ch.
cillinder shape (bookpress): General work center of the Seal at Brussels
year: 1849
publication date: 1/7/1849
postal value: 10 c (Dix Cents)

decommissioned on 1/7/1866

watermark: two interwoven uppercase 'L' in context. The watermark is not always centrally.

Leopold I. On May 6, 1840 saw the first stamps in England thanks to the perseverance of Rowland Hill, whose family name has become legendary. The Belgian Post sent an inspector, Louis sources, to our neighbors to study this new payment method. Therefore he recommended a lower standard fee to collect the mail daily to order, effective in 1841, postal services and reorganization to cope with the constant increase in the fetched, carried and issued volume of mail. His first proposal did, however, fear that the financial losses were too high up and was therefore postponed the introduction. Nevertheless encouraged traders to ensure that the entirety of fewer, especially in a uniform manner would be taxed. After many speeches in Parliament was the law on 24 December 1847. Article 4 of this law provides for the use of postage stamps on your shipments, this was the beginning of a much-needed reform to the trade and industry to encourage people of modest rank to correspond with their families. This important tariff reform of 1 July 1849-date of publication of the Royal Decree that the manner of implementation of the law of 24 December 1847 determines somewhat obscured the birth of the postage stamp. This reform was based on two key measures: the simplification of the postage costs for letters: two remote and weight scales were used in the calculation: 10 centime as the distance between the Office of origin and destination does not exceed 30 km, and 20 centime for all other distances in the country. These rates remained valid until 1919. The introduction of the postage in advance, as a logical consequence of the introduction of postage stamps. Prior to this, the letter port was met by the recipient. The use of postage stamps traffic was now stimulated. In 1839 it went through the Belgian postal administration only 7.037.443 letters, or less than 2 per person. two years after the reform, there have been 9 million letters and in 1860 was 17.5 million letters sent. Of course, this is not to compare it with the 3 billion pieces that were awarded in 1998. The manufacture of these two stamps was organized by Jacob Wiener (1815-1899), a passionate graver comes from the Rhineland that publicity generated by his skill in the engraved of medals. However, it was a member of the English firm Perkins & Bacon, Robinson, intaglio graver of book-illustrators and portraits, which the mother has engraved plate and the very popular at the time that painting of Brussels origin, Charles Baugniet, that the portrait of the King. Printing took place in a workplace, installed in one of the outbuildings of the old railway station of Brussels (green drove), in accordance with the intaglio technique. This is a process in several stages. In the first phase in a metal plate at actual size, emboss, and vice versa, the postage chisel. If the plate is a solidified through chemical process, we then proceed to the creation of the molet, a cylinder which also solidified in relief and in the right direction to above the original engraving. Finally, it is about a printing plate molet "rolled" (moleteren), which also is solidified. When you try to print the cover plate printing ink and then to be cleaned except in the cavities of ink. It then creates a pressed wetted sheet of paper at. If the ink can be wiped out drop Hounds on the paper and is there a light relief that corresponds to the draw of the engraver. The paper, variable thickness, were made by hand and the watermark was composed of two interwoven letters "L". Printed on 5,250,000 copies, was the seal of 10 inches in many shades: dark, black, brown, brown, etc. What the seal of 20 inches on the color palette ranges from milky blue to black blue. From 1849 to 1860, has more than 24 million francs of sales. Later, the progressive increase in the number of pieces of correspondence to the introduction of other stamps effect, ie the values of 30 centimes and 1 franc. Philately could emerge.

King Albert I, Belgium (België - Belgique), 1915-1919, 15 c, deep violet, purple, stamp

country: Belgium (België / Belgique)
code: 139 (and 139a)
topic: King Albert I of Belgium
theme: Kings
type of stamp: postal stamp
color: violet (deep violet for 139a)
year: 1915-1919
publication date: 15 October 1915
postal value: 15 c
designer and engraving: Waterlow and Sons Londen

King Albert I (8 April 1875 – 17 February 1934) reigned as King of the Belgians from 1909 until 1934. At the beginning of World War I, Albert complied with a British demand that he not acquiesce to a German request to move troops through Belgium in order to attack Britain's ally, France, which Germany anticipated was about to declare war on Germany in support of Russia. Albert responded to the German demand to move soldiers through his country: 'I rule a nation, not a road!' When Germany subsequently invaded Belgium, King Albert, as prescribed by the Belgian constitution, took personal command of the Belgian army, and held the Germans off long enough for Britain and France to prepare for the Battle of the Marne (6–9 September 1914). (Source: Wikipedia, read more about King Albert I of Belgium on Wikipedia)

18 mannen bewaken duurste Belgische postzegel van 75.000 euro

18 veiligheidsmensen bewaken momenteel op de filateliebeurs Antverpia 2010 één postzegel. Het gaat om de welbekende 'omgekeerde Dendermonde', heeft een cataloguswaarde van 75.000 euro en is hiermee de duurste Belgische postzegel ooit. Op veilingen bracht hij al tot 112.000 euro op. Hij werd in 1920 gedrukt in het Nederlandse Haarlem. Twee vellen met telkens 25 postzegels werden verkeerd gedrukt, waarvan het stadhuis van Dendermonde omgekeerd staat. Eén vel werd vernietigd, het andere verkocht aan een Gents postkantoor. Van de eerste oplage zijn momenteel 17 exemplaren gekend, 15 postfrisse en 2 afgestempelde. De enige gekende afstempeling is "Gand 13/8/1920". In 1942 werd een Brusselse postzegelhandelaar, die in het bezit was van twee exemplaren, vermoord. De moordenaar en de twee postzegels zijn nooit achterhaald. De post heeft zelf één van de zegels in haar kluizen liggen, en die wordt nu voor het eerst in 15 jaar tentoongesteld aan het grote publiek. Achttien mensen bewaken 24 op 24 de 'schatkamer', waar slechts 25 mensen per keer worden toegelaten. Daarnaast zijn extra politiepatrouilles ingeschakeld.

Meer info
De postzegel, die het stadhuis van Dendermonde afbeeldt, werd uitgegeven in 1920 en was verkrijgbaar vanaf 5 augustus. Einde van de frankeergeldigheid was 1 mei 1931.
De zegel was een aanvulling op een reeks die verscheen tussen 1915 en 1919 waarvan de lagere waarden - 1 cent tot 25 cent - Koning Albert I afbeeldden en de hogere waarden - 35 cent tot 10 Frank - verschillende onderwerpen.
Oorspronkelijk was het de bedoeling dat de postzegel een frankeerwaarde van 20 cent zou hebben. Omdat de posttarieven wijzigden en er behoefte was aan het expressetarief van 65 cent, werd de zegel in deze waarde gedrukt.
Er werden 10 miljoen exemplaren besteld.De zegel werd ontworpen, gegraveerd en gedrukt door de Nederlandse firma Joh. Enschedé in Haarlem. Omdat er een tekort was aan papier, werd de zegel in twee oplages gedrukt, die te onderscheiden zijn door het formaat van het zegelbeeld. De eerste oplage heeft een zegelbeeldformaat van 26,25 op 22,5 mm en had een velindeling van 5 op 5, de tweede oplage een beeldformaat van 27 op 22 mm en een velindeling van 100 (10 op 10). De tanding is 11,5.

bronnen: Het Laatste Nieuws 10/04/2010 en Wikipedia

Actress Anna Führing, Deutsches Reich (Germany) - Belgien (Belgium), Occupied Territories during 1914-1918, stamp 5 Centimes, green, 1905-1911

country: Belgien (Belgium), German Occupied Territories during 1914-1918
topic: Actress Anna Führing
theme: actress
type of stamp: postal stamp
color: green
year: 1914 (German stamps of 1905-1911 overprinted)
publication date: 13 October 1914
postal value: 5 Centimes
engraving: Paul Eduard Waldraff (1870-1917)
This German stamps were overprinted for use by the Germans in the occupied territories of Belgium during the first world war between 1914 and 1918.

More from the same series:
Actress Anna Führing, 5 Centimes, green (Belgian Occupied Territories during 1914-1918)
Actress Anna Führing, 5 Centimes, green (1905-1911)
Actress Anna Führing, 1 M, green and purple (1905-1911)
Actress Anna Führing, 20 Centimes, green (1905-1911)
Actress Anna Führing, 40 Centimes, red (1905-1911)
Actress Anna Führing, 15 Centimes, purple (Polish Occupied Territories during 1914-1918 (General Gouvernement Warschau)

The initial issue from January 1, 1900 replaced the standard issue depicting numbers and eagles. The image of Germania, rather than that of the ruling monarch as was customary in many other European monarchies, made it a unifying feature and did not complicate the relationship with other German royalty and the coexisting German postal authorities of Bavaria and Württemberg. The engraving was performed by Paul Eduard Waldraff (1870-1917) who used the actress Anna Führing as model. Wearing an octagonal imperial crown she is holding a sword and an olive branch. The Jugendstil design depicting Führing was personally chosen by the emperor Wilhelm II. (source: Wikipedia, read more about German Occupied Territories during 1914-1918 on Wikipedia)

Anna Führing was born in Hamburg on March 6, 1866 as the daughter of the theatre and restaurant owner Carl Führing. In Berlin she received her education in acting. She frequently appeared the on stage as the figure of Germania, just like she did on a festival in Düsseldorf in 1891 when emperor Wilhelm II was in attendance. In 1892, when the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm in Berlin was inaugurated, Führing played the role of Iphigenie. With the rise of the silent movies, Führing took on roles in the new medium. Some of the movies are: 'Nacht und Morgen' (1916) and 'Hausedame aus Familie gesucht' (1915).
In 1899, she got married to Ferdinand von Strantz, the Director of the Hofoper of Berlin and by 45 years her senior and then carried the title Baronin Anna von Strantz-Führing. The couple had one daughter. Anna Führing died in Berlin on November 2, 1929. (source: Wikipedia, read more about Anna Führing on Wikipedia)
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